Are you familiar with Game Theory? Yes, that one based on the study of mathematical models of strategic interaction among rational decision-makers. Well, Seller Snap is a repricing tool based on Game Theory, how about that?
So, what difference does this theory make to a repricer? Well, most of the repricers around just focus on getting the Buy Box. Which is not bad, BUT, what if you could keep the Buy Box and, at the same time, raise your product price to get the most profit? That’s the difference with Seller Snap.
About Seller Snap:
Seller Snap is an smart repricing tool for Amazon storefronts that incorporates the Game Theory for the best outcomes. While doing so, it considers custom repricing strategies. On top of that, it utilizes the finest BI tools to provide accurate analytics.
This software is specially designed for businesses who sell on Amazon. With this, they do not have to engage in pricing wars nor come up with the best game plan. Thus, organizations can grow their operations effortlessly.

Why Seller Snap?
Seller Snap’s algorithm makes for a very developed and successful tool and was designed to help Amazon sellers scale their business.
- Easy Setup : Its easy and efficient setup saves time.
- Automatic Repricing : Powered by AI technology and Game Theory tactics, this tool reprices your products to get you the BuyBox at the highest possible price, while avoiding price wars.
- Expert Support: Their team of experts thoroughly investigates potential issues and effectively solves them.
This app is specially designed for Amazon sellers to help them increase profits and avoid price wars. The tool saves sellers time since it is totally automated and analyzes market situations and competition.
-Repricing: Seller Snap’s AI technology uses a learning algorithm to reprice your Amazon listings. The algorithm was developed with Game Theory in mind in order to assess and adapt to market situations and different scenarios to maximize profit.
-Analytics: With Seller Snap’s useful business intelligence tools, you can easily analyze and improve your Amazon store.
-Repricing Tools : Seller Snap allows sellers to combine AI technology with specific business needs. You can customize the repricing system according to what suits your business strategies.
-Low Sales: Chose the “if no purchase repricing setting” to tell the repricer to switch strategies if your sales are low.
-Follow competitor: Whenever a competitor changes price, the tool will automatically adjust your price.
-Win BuyBox: Tell the repricer what BuyBox percentage you want and the repricer will decrease in price until this is achieved.
-Related ASIN: The price can be set automatically using a related ASIN. This is good for bundled products or private label.
-Competing with Amazon: You can adjust the pricing behavior if Amazon is on the listing and stay ahead of the competition.
-Change Pricing according to Time. You can change price according to a specific time of day.
-Analytics: Seller Snap has developed helpful tools for users, which gives them an overview and insights about their sales. Analyze your sales, using real-time data.
-Sale of your products : You can track the revenue and distinguish between your best and worst-performing products.
-Inventory Levels: You can easily track what products you have in stock and their availability compared to their demand. This makes it easy for you to reorder your products and keep them in stock.
-Actionable Insights and Customizable Reports: This feature provides crucial insights for your business. They are custom data-driven insights that help the seller focus on essential statistics. The seller can also download customized reports using different filters available, which focus on what essential categories you want.
-Revenue Drop: You can check which listings had a revenue drop and compare weekly.
-Listings without Competitors: You can reprice based on listings without competitors.
-Buy Box MIN price : Track which listings are below the BuyBox.
Starting from: $250/month
Pricing model: Subscription
Free Trial: Available (No Credit Card required)
Seller Snap offers a 15 day free trial. The “Standard” plan is available at $500 for up to 15,000 active listings, the “Premium” plan at $800 per month for up to 30,000 active listings.
Seller Snap understands that repricing is about maximizing profit not just maximizing sale numbers. Intelligently reprice up and down dependent on your competitors actions. A built in win buy box strategy as standard and the possibility to set an infinite number of new strategies depending on your goals.
- Transparent product offerings – Simple pricing, we charge you on the products you want to reprice rather than your total number of products.
- Rolling contract (Cancel at any time) – Worry free sign up, no contracts, no commitments.
- Chat and email support – In case you need us trained support is by your side to get those profits increasing!
Seller Snap review
After trying and reviewing 10 other repricers I can say without a doubt, this is the most developed and customizable one, yet also one of the most expensive ones. But, consider this, using the premium plan is just $250 a month for a listing, which is not that much money if you take a look at everything you can do using Seller Snap. The whole aim of Seller Snap is to help you scale your business and increase your profit margins. You are paying for the carefully developed algorithm.
This tool isn’t just about automatization and trying to win the Buy Box, this is about making your daily work easier, making smart decisions, and maximizing your profits. $500 — $800 a month is nothing for a software that you can scale up to 30,000 listings across multiple stores.
As I already said, Seller Snap it’s like nothing I’ve seen so far. Its MASSIVE amount of customization repricing rules and settings makes this tool more than a repricer. That is the reason I will definitely recommend Seller Snap.