If you are looking for alternative of Proofy.io then you are at right page. Emailchecker.com is the best alternative of Proofy.io. Let’s see how it will be the best alternative.
About Email checker
Email Checker is one of the webs longest running email checking services, dating all the way to 2009 Our outlook is truly global, only a small percentage of our sales originate from our home country (The United Kingdom) and we have a major presence in the US, North America and the Middle East. Our industry leading email verification API is used by a wealth of clients to check email addresses in real time.
Why Emailchecker is the best alternative Proofy.io .
Email Checker allows you to verify tons of emails at a go. It allows you to import a list of unverified email addresses and run authentication tests on them. It is easy to use. They also have a customer support that is reliable and always available to provide answers to questions and complaints.
Email Checker specializes in email verification software and technology that allows their clients to bulk check each unique email address to make sure the username is registered at the domain. Email Checker helps eliminate hard-bounce emails and improves email deliverability. For more information, please visit their website.
Email Checker is one of the webs longest running email checking services, dating all the way to 2009 Their outlook is truly global, only a small percentage of their sales originate from home country (The United Kingdom) and They have a major presence in the US, North America and the Middle East also. It’s industry leading email verification API is used by a wealth of clients to check email addresses in real time.
What Special in Email Checker:
There are so many great features which makes Email Checker different from other email verification services.They are one of the webs longest running email verification providers. Email Checker offer industry leading email verification solutions and multiple integration options, such as Real-Time and Batch API. They are also the only provider in the market place to offer accurate verification for Yahoo and associated domainsAlso They have launched a new specialist solution to verify Catch-All/Accept All domains, They are the only provider to have this specialist solution and more information on this can be found here: https://www.emailchecker.com/catch-all-email-verification/
Key Features of Email Checker:
Some of the key feature of of Email Checker are given below. Please read it and make your best decision choosing best Email verification services in the world.
- Data Recovery
- Email Archiving
- Email Monitoring
- Queue Manager
- Response Management
- Routing
- Shared Inboxes
- Signature Management
- Spam Blocker
- Whitelisting / Blacklisting
Final Recommendation:
After reading about above all three email verification companies now you have a clear idea which one is the best. As far as my recommendation is concern EmailChecker.com is far better then Proofy.io .